新关注 > 信息聚合 > EXO扮女装照曝光 鹿晗灿烈美貌赛女星

EXO扮女装照曝光 鹿晗灿烈美貌赛女星

Exo dresser exposure deer Hancan fierce beauty contest actress

2015-09-15 20:33:09来源: 新华报业网

原标题:EXO扮女装照曝光鹿晗灿烈美貌赛女星 灿烈是EXO当中身高最高的,出道前出演了少女时代的"Genie"MV,因为帅气的外表而受到了很多的关注。 ▲女装大会上的灿烈 关键词:EXO...

original title: exo dresser according to deer Hancan fierce beauty contest actress Chan exposure is a strong exo height highest debut playing former the SNSD's "genie" MV, because of the handsome appearance is a lot of attention. The women's conference chanyeol Keywords: EXO...