WADA主席法赫伊 新华社北京9月19日体育专电(记者马向菲)中国将与世界反兴奋剂机构(WADA)联手打击非法兴奋剂原材料的生产、销售和进出口。WADA总干事豪曼称双方的合作“又向前迈进一步”。 国家体育总局、海关等10个政府部门18日下午与豪曼一行进行会谈,会谈后签署谅解备忘录...
WADA chairman Fahey Xinhua news agency, Beijing, September 19, sports news (reporter Ma to the Philippines) China will work with the World Anti Doping Agency (WADA) in combating illegal doping of raw materials production, sales and import and export. WADA director general said that the cooperation between the two sides "step forward". The State Sports General Administration, customs and other 10 government departments on the 18th afternoon and Howman, talks and talks signed a memorandum of understanding.