新关注 > 信息聚合 > 三亚崖州中心渔港主体即将完工


Sanya cliff state central fishing port subject is nearing completion

2015-04-12 11:44:28来源: 南海网

崖州中心渔港主体即将完工 4月10日,三亚崖州中心渔港主体工程已近尾声,工人们正在进行引桥施工。 据介绍,崖州中心渔港项目是实现三亚“三港分离”的重大公益性民生工程。项目分为渔港主体工程、生...

Yazhou center fishing port is the main is nearing completion on April 10, Sanya cliff State Center for the fishing port, the main part of the project has near the end, the workers ongoing construction of the bridge approach. According to reports, cliff fishing project center is the realization of Sanya "three port" separation of major public livelihood projects. The project is divided into the main part of the project, a fishing port...