新关注 > 信息聚合 > 大连海事大学辅导员曲建武:辞去厅官做导员


Dalian Maritime University Counselors Jian Wu Qu: to resign from the office of the official do guide member

2015-10-01 13:58:00来源: 中工网

2015年9月17日,在省教科文卫体工会举办的全省高校工会主席培训班上,曲建武承担了重要的授课任务。他的身份是大连海事大学学生辅导员。 2013年,曲建武的身份是辽宁省高校工委副书记、教育厅副厅...

2015 industry and trade in September 17, in the province to teach health and body union organized the province university trade union chairman training class, Jian Wu Qu bear the important task of teaching. His identity is a student counselor at Dalian Maritime University. In 2013, song Jianwu as Deputy Department of Liaoning Province, deputy secretary of the Department of education, University committee...