新关注 > 信息聚合 > 中国第十届少数民族运动会闭幕:相见时难别亦难


China Tenth Minority Games Closing: when you meet difficult Bie

2015-08-17 19:35:07来源: 中国新闻网

中新网鄂尔多斯8月17日电 (记者 李爱平乌娅娜)“此刻,我真的有种想哭的感觉。”王海旭强忍着眼眶的泪水,声音柔柔地说。 坐在第十届少数民族运动会闭幕式观看台上的她,是本届民族运动会的志愿者。 此刻,她看着台下全国56个民族的运动员、表演团队一齐出场的劲头,不由得感慨万千。 ...

BEIJING, Ordos August 17 (Reporter Li Aiping Wu Yana) "At the moment, I really kind of feeling like crying." Wang Haixu eyes fighting back tears, the voice said softly. Minority Games closing ceremony of the tenth sitting watching the stage, she is a volunteer at this National Games. At the moment, she looked at the audience the country's 56 ethnic athletes, performing together team played momentum, could not help but be filled with emotion. ...