新关注 > 信息聚合 > 《最佳前男友》言承旭哭戏失控 期待蠢蠢的爱

《最佳前男友》言承旭哭戏失控 期待蠢蠢的爱

"Best" ex boyfriend Jerry Yan crying out of control look stupid love

2015-08-26 11:40:31来源: 人民网甘肃视窗


Recently, Jerry bring new masterpiece "best ex boyfriend" Heilongjiang TV, Shenzhen TV return to the ornate appearance, overbearing appeared at the same time seconds into the "naive" cancer patients with advanced, return of the king lead the phenomenon level hot, hug, shoulder, holding the face posture Charm Value reopen hanging, received a letter of textbook president. And this share"...