新关注 > 信息聚合 > 3D小熊就让你满足了么?其实 AR + 生活可以更风骚

3D小熊就让你满足了么?其实 AR + 生活可以更风骚

3D bear, let you satisfied? In fact, AR + life can be more coquettish

2015-03-06 14:09:19来源: 大河网

两个手机。 9张图片。 一扫,就出现了一只会跳舞的3D小熊。 在Duang 和蓝黑 VS. 白金的大战中,这只小白熊带着神秘又熟悉的增强现实技术(俗称AR技术)突然闯入大众的视野,并异军...

two mobile phone. The 9 picture. Sweep, appeared a dancing 3D bear. In the Duang and black VS. white gold in World War II, the little bear with augmented reality technology secret and familiar (commonly known as AR Technology) suddenly burst into public view, and free...