新关注 > 信息聚合 > 一切从第一道细纹开始 常吃九种食物对皮肤最有益

一切从第一道细纹开始 常吃九种食物对皮肤最有益

Everything from the first fine lines began to eat 9 kinds of food the most beneficial to the skin

2015-04-05 16:29:49来源: 大河网

皮肤保养从现在就要立刻开始,皮肤护理专家为我们总结出了以下9种皮肤最喜爱的食物: 1.西兰花 增强皮肤抗损伤能力西兰花中含有丰富的维生素A、维生素C和胡萝卜素,能增强皮肤的抗损伤能力,还有助...

skin care from now to immediately start, skin care experts as we summed up the following nine kinds of skin's favorite food: 1. Broccoli enhanced skin anti injury ability broccoli contains rich vitamin A, vitamin C and carrots, can enhance the skin's anti damage ability, but also help...