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曝月球惊人秘密 揭秘宇宙八大未解之谜

Moon Secrets Uncovered exposure amazing eight mysteries of the universe

2016-01-27 22:37:00来源: 东北网

太阳系由九大行星其中水星、金星、地球、火星及冥王星,是以岩石为主要成份的“地球型行星”,木星、土星、天王星及海王星,是大量气体包围的“木星型行星”。 一、水星如何诞生 太阳系由九大行星其中水...

The nine planets of the solar system in which Mercury, Venus, Earth, Mars and Pluto, is the rock as the main ingredient of "Earth-type planets", Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus and Neptune, is surrounded by a lot of gas, "Jupiter-type planets." First, how the birth of the solar system by the nine planets Mercury, in which the water ...