新关注 > 信息聚合 > 劈柴院:回味老青岛的味道


Pichaiyuan: taste the taste of old Qingdao

2016-03-15 20:34:09来源: 搜狐

作为青岛市老字号的美食城的劈柴院更要来此走一走了,这里有很多著名的老字号的美食餐厅,而且历史人文性很浓厚。来青岛,劈柴院可以来走一走,看一看。 接下来就来到了来青岛必逛的 劈柴院。 早在清末...

As the old name of Qingdao City in the city's food firewood to the walk the, here are many famous old shop, restaurants, and humanity history is very strong. To Qingdao, pichaiyuan can walk, see. Next came to Qingdao will visit the pichaiyuan. As early as the late Qing dynasty...