新关注 > 信息聚合 > [网上往下]骗子盗取亲友微信号骗充话费 电信诈骗..

[网上往下]骗子盗取亲友微信号骗充话费 电信诈骗..

[Online down] crooks steal relatives micro signal cheat filling Telecom telephone fraud..

2015-07-08 17:52:09来源: 荆楚网

荆楚网消息(记者 陈柯希 实习生 魏瑶)微信如今成为很多人生活中必不可少的应用,越来越多的年长者也开始在子女的影响下使用微信。但是由于他们并不熟悉微信,给诈骗者留下可乘之机,而且微信与手机捆绑,大多...

Jingchu net news (reporter Chen Kexi intern Yao Wei) micro channel has now become necessary in the lives of many people, more and more older people also began to micro channel under the influence of children. But because they are not familiar with WeChat, fraudsters to leave an opportunity, and WeChat and mobile phone bundled, mostly...