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小米618彩蛋:Are you OK鼠标垫/T恤开卖

Millet 618 eggs: are you OK mouse pad / T-shirt on sale

2015-06-18 15:46:18来源: 华商网

[摘要]按照小米的说法,该T恤的设计灵感来自雷军的单曲《Are you OK》,采用摇滚书法体,让文字更显动感。而《Are you OK》定制版鼠标垫的设计理念跟T恤相同,同样采用了摇滚书法体,材质...

[Abstract] according to the view of millet, the T-shirt design inspiration from Lei Jun's single "are you OK", a rock calligraphy and make the text more dynamic. The "you OK Are" customized version of the mouse pad design concept with the same T-shirt, the same with the rock body, material...