新关注 > 信息聚合 > 谢天华在京拍戏 忙里偷闲约友人聚餐

谢天华在京拍戏 忙里偷闲约友人聚餐

Michael Tse in Beijing about filming a get-together with friends

2014-12-12 17:29:45来源: 中国青年网

环球娱乐网讯 (风行工作室/图文)香港影星谢天华近期在北京拍戏。日前,谢天华携同助理约一男友人前往怀柔剧场看景。随后驾车离开拍摄现场,至一酒店大厅用餐。当天身穿白色T恤,黑色皮衣外套的谢天华看起来干...

global entertainment network news (popular studio / graphic) Hongkong movie star Michael Tse in Beijing in the near future. Recently, Michael Tse and assistant about a boyfriend to Huairou theater to see king. Then drove away from the scene, to a hotel dining hall. The day wearing a white T-shirt, black leather jacket Michael Tse looks dry...