新关注 > 信息聚合 > 男子酗酒诱发乳酸酸中毒 呼吸衰竭心跳骤停被抢救

男子酗酒诱发乳酸酸中毒 呼吸衰竭心跳骤停被抢救

Men drinking induced lactic acidosis, respiratory failure and cardiac arrest was rescued

2015-05-20 00:07:57来源: 广西新闻网

广西新闻网柳州5月19日讯(记者 覃铮)俗话说“民以食为天”,但若不注意卫生或山吃海喝则容易祸从口入。日前,柳州市一名58岁的陆姓男子,因连日大量酗酒诱发严重乳酸酸中毒而出现呼吸衰竭、心跳骤停等症状...

Liuzhou, Guangxi News Network, May 19 (reporter Tan Zheng) saying said "people food is what matters to the people", but if you do not pay attention to health or the mountains to eat the sea to drink to curse from the mouth. Recently, Liuzhou, a 58 year old Liuxing man, and the emergence of the symptoms of respiratory failure, cardiac arrest due to days of heavy drinking induced severe lactic acidosis...