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C罗遭弃!曝老佛爷挺贝尔夺金球奖 开启新闻攻势

C Lo been abandoned! Galeries very exposed Bell won a Golden Globe news open offensive

2016-05-06 19:57:56来源: 网易

网易体育5月6日报道: 西班牙《每日体育报》在今天爆料,皇马主席弗洛伦蒂诺将推出贝尔作为金球奖的候选人,他将为威尔士人夺得2016年金球奖发动新闻攻势,一系列的宣传工作将开启,这也是老佛爷一直期待中的。 在加盟皇马后,C罗赢得了两座FIFA金球奖,他也是皇马的一哥,不过贝尔的到来让他...

NEW YORK, May 6 report: Spain, "Daily Sports Daily" broke the news today, Real Madrid president Florentino Bell will launch the Golden Globe as a candidate, he will Welshman won the 2016 Golden Globe launched News offensive, it will open a series of promotional work, which is expected in Lafayette has been. After joining Real Madrid, C Luo won two FIFA Golden Globe, he is a brother of Real Madrid, but the arrival of Bell let him ...