新关注 > 信息聚合 > 量子力学将迎“二次革命” 科学家重新审视量子世界

量子力学将迎“二次革命” 科学家重新审视量子世界

Quantum mechanics will usher in the "second revolution" scientists to re-examine the quantum world

2015-06-16 14:38:23来源: 人民网

“自量子力学诞生以来,人们主要在做一件事:求解薛定谔方程。这促使了激光、晶体管、核能等的产生。”中科院院士、中科院量子信息重点实验室主任郭光灿这样评价量子力学的第一个100年:“人们只关注能‘做什么’,不去问‘为什么’。” 然而,量子信息的发展打破了僵局。量子纠缠、非局域性等新概念,...

"self-report of quantum mechanics was born since people, mainly in do one thing: solving the Schr dinger equation. This prompted the generation of laser, transistor, nuclear energy, etc.." Academician of the Chinese Academy of Sciences, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Key Laboratory of quantum information director Guo guangcan commented on the first 100 years of quantum mechanics: "people only pay attention to 'what to do', not to ask 'why'." However, the development of quantum information broke the deadlock. New concepts of quantum entanglement and non locality,...