新关注 > 信息聚合 > 手办/兵人/模型 智能手机玩具摄影小指南

手办/兵人/模型 智能手机玩具摄影小指南

To do / will / model of intelligent mobile phone toy small guide

2015-02-12 05:35:30来源: 中关村在线

在大概一个月之前我写了《脱离PC宅的更彻底 宅属性智能机生存法则》,然后我才发现在ZOL这个平台除了技术宅,其实也隐藏着不少二次元宅,当然评论里你们说的某些字幕组我是不知道的,里番是什么我也不知道,...

in Zhongguancun about a month ago I wrote "from the PC house more thorough house property of intelligent machines survival principle", and then I found in the ZOL platform in addition to home, but also a lot of hidden two yuan house, some subtitles of course, the comments you say me is not known, it is in what I do not know,...