新关注 > 信息聚合 > 雅虎实现无密码登陆账号 再也不用担心忘记密码

雅虎实现无密码登陆账号 再也不用担心忘记密码

Yahoo achieves no password login account no longer have to worry about forgetting password

2015-03-16 11:12:38来源: 搜狐

搜狐IT消息 据外媒Venturebeat报道,雅虎今日对外宣布用户日后登录雅虎账号时无需输入密码,此服务旨在为用户省去记密码的麻烦。 一旦实现无密码登陆,日后的流程就是这样的:在雅虎账号的...

Sohu it news, according to foreign media reports VentureBeat, Yahoo today announced the future users log on yahoo account without having to enter a password, this service aims to trouble for eliminating the need for users to remember passwords. Once the password free landing, the future process is this: in YAHOO account...