新关注 > 信息聚合 > 雷霆战机19号更新 新战神暗夜神锋登场

雷霆战机19号更新 新战神暗夜神锋登场

Thunder fighter 19 update new ares night God front entrance

2014-12-18 19:20:42来源: 4399

雷霆战机19号将迎来重大更新!全新的战神暗夜神锋即将登场!恶魔刀锋和智慧曙光合体最强战神!一起来看看本次更新内容吧! 1.暗夜神锋战神降临,称霸星际谁与争锋! 2.英雄难度开放到24关,更高难度...

thunder fighter 19 will usher in a major update! New ares night God front coming soon! The devil dawn blade and wisdom fit the strongest ares! Have a look this time to update the content! 1 night God front ares falls, dominate the star who! 2 heroic difficulty open to the 24 level, the higher difficulty...