新关注 > 信息聚合 > 曼联豪阵3亿7940万镑英超第1 范帅不夺冠无借口

曼联豪阵3亿7940万镑英超第1 范帅不夺冠无借口

Manchester United - array 300000000 79400000 pounds first Premiership title Fan Shuai not without an excuse

2014-09-07 22:43:43来源: 华体网

本赛季英超20支球队阵容成本 根据《每日邮报》报道,在今年夏季转会窗口关闭之后,美国老板手里的曼联已经以全队总转会费3亿7940万英镑的成本,超越了土豪曼城以及穆里尼奥的切尔西,成为全英超球员组...

the Premier League this season the 20 team lineup according to the "Daily Mail" reported that the cost, after the summer transfer window closes, American boss United had to the total fee of 300000000 79400000 pound cost, beyond the local tyrants and Manchester City and Mourinho Chelsea, to become the Premier League player group...