新关注 > 信息聚合 > 前瞻:巴特勒上门挑战詹皇 骑士欲擒公牛争3连胜

前瞻:巴特勒上门挑战詹皇 骑士欲擒公牛争3连胜

Prospect: Butler comes to challenge Imperial Knights to capture the bull fight Zhan 3 game winning streak

2015-01-19 13:11:00来源: 网易

网易体育1月19日报道: 克里夫兰骑士队(21胜20负)状态有所复苏,他们已经取得2连胜。明天他们将回到主场迎战芝加哥公牛队(27胜15负),勒布朗、厄文和勒夫要发挥领袖作用,他们要带领球队继续复...

NetEase sports reported on January 19th: the Cleveland Cavaliers (21 - 20) state recovery, they have won 2 in a row. They will return to the home court against the Chicago bulls tomorrow (27 - 15), Lebron, Irwin and Loew to play a leadership role, they have to lead the team to resume...