新关注 > 信息聚合 > 西安千人见证2015款全新福克斯王者驾临


Xi'an thousands of people witness 2015 new Fox King Tsar

2015-08-24 15:58:19来源: 爱卡汽车网

“千枚发光“Power键”,闪动能量光芒,光影流动,摘下一枚,1000人,我们合力见证2015款全新福克斯闪亮诞生! “王者之心,澎湃动力一步领先,1.0L/1.5L EcoBoost?GTDi...

"a thousand pieces of light" power button ", flashing light energy, light flow, pick a gold, 1000 people, we work together to witness 2015 all-new fox shiny was born! "The heart of the king, the surging momentum of a step ahead, EcoBoost 1.0L/1.5L? GTDi...