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曲面量子点电视疯狂来袭 TCL春季新品全搜罗

The surface of quantum dots TV struck madness TCL new spring full collecting

2015-04-09 15:20:18来源: 大河网

图集详情: 【环球科技报道 记者 李文瑶】4月8日,TCL在深圳举行春季新品发布会,推出包括曲面量子点电视、么么哒手机和智能手表在内的一种春季新品。在发布会上,TCL董事长李东生表示,TCL希望...

atlas details: [global technology reporter Li Wenyao] in April 8th, TCL spring new conference held in Shenzhen, launched a new spring including surface of quantum dots, meme Da TV mobile phone and smart watch. At the press conference, TCL chairman Li Dongsheng said, TCL hope...