新关注 > 信息聚合 > 路面塌陷私家车接送居民续:路修好了,爱心摆渡..


Collapse of the road car shuttle residents continued: road repair, love ferry..

2015-09-25 14:30:27来源: 河北新闻网

■爱心车上贴有“爱心车贴”。 ■雨后出行难。 ■“爱心车队”成员表示“爱心摆渡”将继续下去。 新闻闪回:因为下雨积水,导致路面塌陷,56路公交车无法进入小区,面对泥泞难行的道路,就在小区居...

- love of the car is stuck on the love sticker ". After the rain - Travel difficult. - "love team members said" love "ferry" will continue. News flashback: because of the rain water, resulting in the collapse of the road, road 56 bus can not enter the cell, in the face of muddy and difficult to walk the road, in the District home...