新关注 > 信息聚合 > 经验已成为联想控股的独特优势 戈壁亦如创业

经验已成为联想控股的独特优势 戈壁亦如创业

Experience has become a Legend Holdings of the unique advantages of the Gobi also such as entrepreneurial

2015-09-01 15:36:02来源: 中国网

国际在线消息:曾经有人这样问过柳传志,“二十年后您如何看待现如今的联想控股?”柳传志回答道:“就像现在的我看当初创业时期那个不足二十平米的传达室一样。”转瞬31年,联想控股已经由一家启动资金只有二十万的小公司成长为如今的投资巨头,期间经验的积累已然成为联想控股的一项独特优势。 对于联...

international online news once people asked Liu, "after twenty years, how do you see now the Legend Holdings?" Liu Chuanzhi replied: "like me now look at the period of less than twenty square meters of zhuandashi." In a flash 31 years, Legend Holdings has been a start-up capital of only two hundred thousand of small companies to grow into today's investment giant, the accumulation of experience has become a unique advantage of legend holdings. For union...