新关注 > 信息聚合 > 女神好身手!刘亦菲练功玩倒立身材修长


Goddess of good skill! Liu Yifei practice playing handstand slender

2015-03-30 23:39:51来源: 中国青年网

刘亦菲倒立身材修长 新浪娱乐讯 3月30日,刘亦菲更新微博晒出一张靠墙倒立的照片,并配文写道:“棚里发疯不是说说而已,要有实际行动。”照片中,刘亦菲穿着牛仔裤配长袖衫,扎着清爽马尾,靠墙倒立,一...

Liu Yifei inverted slender Sina entertainment hearing on March 30th, Liu Yifei updated micro-blog drying out of a side inverted pictures and text, wrote: "the shed crazy is not just words, deeds." In the photo, Liu Yifei is wearing jeans and a long sleeved shirt, tie a refreshing horsetail, against the wall of the inverted, a...