新关注 > 信息聚合 > 2015“A联盟”招生工作会议之宣传对策


2015 "a union" enrollment work conference publicity strategy

2015-05-14 23:30:58来源: 中国教育在线

中国教育在线讯 5月14日,由安徽省示范性高等职业院校合作委员会(A联盟)主办,芜湖职业技术学院和中国教育在线承办的2015年安徽“A联盟”招生工作研讨会在安徽芜湖如期举行,来自全省27所高职学校的...

China Education online news on May 14, sponsored by the Anhui Province demonstration of Higher Vocational Colleges and universities cooperation committee (a coalition), Wuhu Vocational Institute of technology and the China Education Online hosted the 2015 Anhui "a union recruitment seminar held as scheduled in Wuhu, Anhui Province, China, from the province's 27 vocational school.