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Pauli: Chile team played lack methodicalness Sina

2015-06-30 17:31:54来源: 新浪

新华社圣地亚哥6月29日体育专电(记者冷彤 李丹)智利队主教练圣保利29日表示,能够赢得美洲杯半决赛,他和球员都很高兴,但智利队在人数占优的情况下踢得缺乏章法。 智利队当日依靠巴尔加斯的两粒入球...

Xinhua News Agency San Diego June 29 sports news (reporter Dan Tong) Chile coach Pauli 29 said, to win the America's Cup semi final. He and the players are very happy, but the Chilean team in the number of dominant played lack of composition. The Chilean team that day on Vargas's two goals...