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《妈妈咪呀》迎终极绽放夜 金星穿红裙亮相

"Mamma Mia" ultimate attack bloom in red skirt at night Venus

2015-07-10 17:25:23来源: 中国青年网

金星。 节目方供图 中新网7月10日电 今晚,东方卫视综艺节目《妈妈咪呀》第三季将在迎来“终极绽放夜”。“黄金程”观察员团将与场内观众评审一起选出“年度妈咪”,金星还特意在节目中换上一袭红裙。 凭借着乐观的个性和一把好嗓子,王月芳在《妈妈咪呀》舞台上的存在感日益增强。观察员金星不...

venus. Program for figure in new network on July 10, tonight, Oriental TV variety show "Mamma Mia!" the third quarter will usher in the "ultimate bloom night". The gold process observer group will be selected with the venue audience assessment year mummy, Venus also deliberately in the program for a red skirt. With a pleasant personality with a good voice, Wang Yuefang in the "Mamma Mia" on the stage of the growing sense of. Observer Venus is not...