新关注 > 信息聚合 > 命运巧合?修杰楷和贾静雯前夫同月同日生


The fate of coincidence? Shiou and ex husband Alyssa Chia were born on the same day

2015-05-08 02:53:55来源: 新华报业网

修杰楷和贾静雯前夫孙志浩巧同月同日生 新浪娱乐讯据港台媒体报道,贾静雯5日幸福曝光怀孕5个月消息,和修杰楷、梧桐妹一家四口和乐融融,经纪人也表示上月修已在日本甜蜜求婚。巧的是,身为浪漫双于男的修杰楷,和“女友前夫”孙志浩都是同月同日生,难道3月6日的男士对贾静雯有什么致命的吸引力? ...

Shiou and ex husband Alyssa Chia Sun Zhihao Qiao born on the same day the Sina entertainment news according to Taiwan media reports, Alyssa Chia 5, happiness exposure 5 months pregnant, and Shiou, Indus sister of a family of four happy, broker said last month in Japan have been sweet marry. Coincidentally, as in romantic double male Shiou, and "girlfriend husband" Sun Zhihao was born on the same day, March 6th is what men have fatal attraction to Alyssa Chia? ...