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曼奇尼弃联赛?争三没戏了 国米撤主力死拼欧联

Mancini League? For three out the main inter withdrawal fight

2015-03-02 09:04:40来源: 新浪

曼奇尼弃联赛? 新浪体育讯 国际米兰0-1负于佛罗伦萨。尽管这是一个不能令人接受的结局,但从曼奇尼的排兵布阵来看,他与俱乐部的奋斗方向其中已经非常的明确。目前来看,球队争夺联赛前3的希望已经非常...

Mancini abandoned the Europa League league? Sina sports news international Milan lost to Florence 0-1. Although this is an unacceptable outcome, but from Roberto Mancini's platoon arms embattle view, he with the club struggling direction in which has been very clear. At present, the top 3 teams competing for the League hopes are...