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陈丽娜夏日写真 优雅红裙大展青衣风范(组图)

Chenlina Summer photo elegant red skirt Tsing Yi exhibition style (Photos)

2015-07-14 11:57:10来源: 广西新闻网

搜狐娱乐讯 近日,“国民青衣”陈丽娜曝光了一组夏日写真,照片中陈丽娜身着红色低胸长裙,置身生机盎然的大自然中。习习微风吹动发梢,灵动又不失优雅,恬淡的笑容尽显高贵气质。据悉,由金牌编剧高满堂执笔,孔...

Sohu Entertainment News recently, "National Tsing Yi" chenlina exposed a group photo in the summer, the photo chenlina dressed in red low cut dress, in the midst of the vitality of nature. A breeze blowing hair, smart and elegant, tranquil smile and noble temperament. It is reported, penned by the gold medal screenwriter high full house, hole...