新关注 > 信息聚合 > 李光洙上节目因长得太高遭整蛊 仅半张脸入镜(图)

李光洙上节目因长得太高遭整蛊 仅半张脸入镜(图)

Lee Guangzhu on the show due to long too high by tricky only half of his face into the mirror (Figure)

2015-03-23 23:34:45来源: 人民网

据香港“明报”消息,韩国人气节目Running Man成员李光洙,昨日担任节目《人气歌谣》的嘉宾司仪。首次参与音乐节目演出的李光洙,一开场马上拿起吉他扮歌手,演唱Busker Busker的名曲《樱花结局》,但出名长得高的他,跟另外两名司仪——金裕贞、黄光熙身形差距甚远。直播期间,摄影师...

according to Hongkong's "Ming Pao" news, the popular Korean program Running Man member Lee Guangzhu, yesterday as show "popular songs" guest emcee. For the first time to participate in music performances of Lee Guangzhu, a beginning immediately picked up the guitar playing singer, singing Busker Busker songs "Sakura" ending, but HISTEP's famous long he, with two other master -- Jin Yuzhen, Huang Guangxi body gap very far. During the live broadcast, the photographer...