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Jiuyinzhenjing five internal hidden world martial to need how long

2015-05-04 02:29:06来源: 电玩巴士

问:九阴真经五内服隐世门派出师需要多久 答: 不偷懒的话,大约2个半月左右就能出师 现在还出了提前出师功能,达到3级身份以上就能出师。如果不追求把内功和套路全换满的话,有1个月就能走了

Q: jiuyinzhenjing five internal hidden world of martial art to need how long a: not lazy, about 2 and a half months or so can start now out in advance to function, to reach 3 or more can be a teacher identity. If you do not pursue the skills and routines for full, 1 months will be able to go