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曼联死留德赫亚复仇天使? 罗马追卡西年薪300万

United's death in Germany Hoja avenging angel? Roman chasing Casey annual salary of 300 million

2015-06-28 08:25:29来源: 网易

罗马联系了卡西,但只开出了300万欧元的薪水。曼联在处理德赫亚转会问题时非常强硬,很大程度上是为了复仇去年夏天在收购迪马利亚时被皇马“敲诈”。 网易体育6月28日报道: “皇马将在下周签约德赫亚...

Rome contact Kathy, but only opened the 300 million euros salary. Manchester United in the deal with the transfer problem is very tough, to a great extent, in order to revenge last summer in the acquisition of Di Maria, was Real Madrid, blackmail". Netease sports in June 28th reported: "Real Madrid will sign David De Gea next week...