新关注 > 信息聚合 > 韩梅梅和李雷是这样在青岛落户的


Han Meimei and Li Lei are settled in Qingdao

2015-04-13 17:28:32来源: 青岛网络电视台

刚结束的这个周末,李雷接到韩梅梅打来的电话,电话那头,韩梅梅乐颠儿了… 远处传来一个悠扬的森音:为毛乐呢? 韩梅梅:嗯嗯(清清嗓)…… 李雷!青岛户籍新政正式落地啦!快告诉林涛、Miss...

ended this weekend, Li Lei received a phone call from Han Meimei, over the phone, Han Meimei Le Dian son... From the distance came a melodious sound: Mao Le Sen? Han Meimei: Uh huh (clearing the throat)...... Li Lei! Qingdao Hukou deal officially landing! Tell it to Lin Tao, Miss...