新关注 > 信息聚合 > 春节期间好剧连台 养眼剧照带您看!(图)

春节期间好剧连台 养眼剧照带您看!(图)

During the Spring Festival good drama with Taiwan seductive stills take you to see! (FIG)

2016-02-07 09:04:22来源: 河北新闻网

多部重磅剧开播在即,其中既有年轻人最爱的爱情偶像剧,也有最适合一家大小齐齐收看的贺岁喜剧,多款口味,任君选择。 春节期间,各大电视台也是铆足了劲,准备了众多各具特色的精彩好戏。多部重磅剧开播在即...

Multiple launch soon heavy drama, both young love love idol, but also the most suitable for a family New Year comedy opt to watch, a variety of flavors to choose from. During the Spring Festival, the major television stations also raring to prepare a large number of distinctive wonderful show. More than heavy drama launched soon ...