新关注 > 信息聚合 > 张翰晒与娜扎热吻照公布恋情 看古力娜扎如何俘获..

张翰晒与娜扎热吻照公布恋情 看古力娜扎如何俘获..

Zhang Hanshai and nuozha kissing photos released love see gulina firm how to capture..

2015-08-16 18:39:45来源: 荆楚网

张翰在微博发出一张与古力娜扎的热吻照,公开与娜扎的恋情。网友们随即炸开了锅,并送上了祝福。 早前不断有媒体曝出张翰与娜扎的踪迹,但两人始终不承认恋情。古力娜扎在与张翰的绯闻中饱受争议,她曾引用白...

Han in micro Bo issued a and gulina firm kiss photo, open and Karzai relationship. Users then fried pot, and sent a blessing. Earlier media has constantly exposed Zhang Han and nuozha trail, but two people still do not admit. Guli Nazha in the scandal with Zhang Han controversial, she cited white...