新关注 > 信息聚合 > 马伊俐李晨参加命题? 各省高考作文吐槽大会

马伊俐李晨参加命题? 各省高考作文吐槽大会

Li Chen Ma Yili to participate in the proposition? Provincial college entrance essay Tucao conference

2015-06-07 20:01:32来源: 中国教育在线

高考语文科目的考试结束后,一年一度备受期待的“高考作文题目吐槽大会”也准时开场。让我们一起来看看,今年又有哪些让人拍案叫绝的“神吐槽”呢? 腾讯网友“我不愿让你一个人”就选出了他心中的最佳命题人...

Chinese college entrance examination subjects of examination after the end, the annual much looking forward to the "college entrance essay topic Tucao conference also time opening. Let us have a look, what let a person be overwhelmed with admiration for "God Tucao" this year? Tencent users I do not want you a person elected his best proposition in mind...