新关注 > 信息聚合 > 人像摄影融入自然拒绝摆拍


Portrait photography into the natural refused to pose

2015-06-09 13:28:02来源: 大河网

●黎金本 最近,笔者到梅江区西阳镇参加了我市某婚纱影楼组织的一次户外人像摄影活动。在此之前,笔者曾参加过多次类似的摄影活动,基本模式是先让模特或站或坐在漂亮的场景里,摄影人左一声“看这边,笑一笑...

] Li Jinben recently, the author to Meijiang district Xi Yang Zhen in the I, a wedding photo studio organized an outdoor portrait photography activities. Prior to this. I had participated in many similar photographic activities, basic mode is let models or standing or sitting in the beautiful scene, photography of people left out "look here, smile...