新关注 > 信息聚合 > 直黄瓜喷了药 猪肉现钩虫 五大网络传言登谣言榜

直黄瓜喷了药 猪肉现钩虫 五大网络传言登谣言榜

Gordon straight cucumber spray medicine pork hookworm five network rumors rumor list

2015-10-04 10:50:47来源: 中国新闻网海南新闻

“吃小龙虾等于吃垃圾”、“笔直的黄瓜都喷了药”、“黄鳝养殖添加了避孕药”……坊间流传的这些说法其实都是谣言。中国食品辟谣联盟今天公布第一期食品谣言榜,经相关协会和联盟专家团审核,5个网络谣言入榜。 ...

"eat crayfish is equal to eat junk", "straight cucumber are spray medicine", "eel aquaculture added pill"... The spread of these claims are actually a rumor. Chinese food rumor Union announced today the rumors of the first phase of the food list, the relevant associations and union expert group review, five network rumor into the list. ...