新关注 > 信息聚合 > 一加二代曝光:将采用骁龙810处理器


One plus two generation exposure: the snapdragon processor

2015-03-08 11:32:39来源: 搜狐

去年2000元价位手机大战中,一加可谓是先发制人。虽然最终的销量相比华为、小米等同价位的产品来说还有一定的差距,但作为一个新的品牌表现真的已经很不错了。 之前一加高管就曾公开表示,新旗舰将会在今...

last year 2000 yuan price mobile phone war, a plus is strike first to gain the initiative. Although the final sales compared to Huawei, millet equivalent is priced products there is still a certain gap, but as a new brand performance is really very good. Before one plus executives ever expressed publicly, in this new flagship will...