新关注 > 信息聚合 > 卧底暴露了!王哲林把自家球捅出来(gif)


Undercover exposure! Wangzhelin to poke out of their own ball (GIF)

2015-06-26 21:40:25来源: 新浪

王哲林在这次进攻中不慎捅出了队友必进球 北京时间6月26日,中国男篮在广州进行了与立陶宛男篮的第二场热身赛。在下半场的一次进攻中,邹雨宸转身晃开防守队员后挑篮,就在皮球擦板后即将飞进篮筐时,一只...

wangzhelin in the attack accidentally poked out the teammates have scored Beijing time on June 26, the Chinese men's basketball team in Guangzhou were and Lithuania men's basketball team the second warm-up match. In the second half of an attack, and turn Zou Yuchen shake defenders pick a basket, rub the ball plate is about to fly into the basket, a...