新关注 > 信息聚合 > 九州通与诺芮特推出首款空气净化器诺瑞斯 售价1..

九州通与诺芮特推出首款空气净化器诺瑞斯 售价1..

Kyushu and Connaught Rui launched the first air purifier of Norrath price 1..

2015-03-16 14:01:16来源: TechWeb

九州通与诺芮特推出首款空气净化器诺瑞斯 售价1399元 【TechWeb报道】3月16日消息,九州通与广州诺芮特战略合作新闻发布会暨诺瑞斯云渠道——好药师首发仪式在京召开。本次新闻发布会推出本次战...

Kyushu pass and Connaught Rui launched first air purifier of Norrath price of 1399 yuan [techweb reported March 16 news, Kyushu and Guangzhou Connaught Rui special strategic cooperation news conference and nori, cloud channel -- good pharmacist launching ceremony held in Beijing. This press conference launched the war...