新关注 > 信息聚合 > 慈善组织定期公开信息有新规


Charity organizations on a regular basis to the public information is greater than 6 months of the new regulations

2015-04-30 06:10:43来源: 中安在线

◎及时公开款物募集、慈善项目运作、受赠款物使用等情况 ◎募捐周期大于6个月的,每3个月向社会公开一次,结束后3个月内全面公开 企业和个人公益性捐赠支出按一定比例实行税前扣除,慈善组织款物募集...

\ \ timely disclosure of funds raising, charity projects in operation, recipient of the use of funds and materials such as situation \ \ fundraising cycle, every three month to the public once, within 3 months after the completion of the fully open enterprise and individual public benefit donation expenditure according to a certain proportion of the implementation of tax deduction, the charity organization funds raised...