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郑欣宜宝弟 盘点娱乐圈“遗孤”现状(图)

Joyce'tipo inventory entertainment "orphan" status (Figure)

2015-06-08 17:26:05来源: 华商网

[摘要]2008年,20岁的郑欣宜同时痛失外婆和母亲,昔日的小公主变得无依无靠,情绪一度崩溃。盘点娱乐圈“遗孤”现状。 【崔真实12岁女儿盼早日结婚】韩国女星崔真实2008年在家中自缢身亡,随后...

[glories of years, 20 year old Joyce also lost her grandmother and her mother, the former small princess become helpless, emotional once collapse. Inventory of entertainment "orphans" status. [Choi Jin Sil] married 12 year old daughter looking forward to 2008 South Korean actress Choi Jin Sil hanged himself at home, then...