新关注 > 信息聚合 > 2015河南特岗教师招聘准考证打印入口


2015 Henan teacher recruitment entrance ticket printing

2015-07-14 23:26:43来源: 中公教育网

2015河南省特岗教师招聘12400人。经资格初审合格的考生,于7月21日—23日登陆招聘系统,按照网络提示打印本人准考证,并在笔试当天持本人准考证和身份证原件到指定地点参加笔试。 准考证打印入口...

2015 teacher recruitment 12400. Through the qualification examination of qualified candidates, on July 21 - 23 landing recruitment system, according to the network that print my ticket and in written on the day to my admission ticket and ID card original to the designated place to take the written exam. Ticket printing entry...