新关注 > 信息聚合 > 新型双离子电池问世或改变锂电产业格局


The advent of new dual-ion battery or change the pattern of the lithium industry

2016-03-30 12:01:22来源: 人民网

本报讯(见习记者丁宁宁 通讯员冯春)中科院深圳先进技术研究院唐永炳团队研发了一种新型电池技术,日前发表于《先进能源材料》。该技术若实现产业化,将对现有锂电产业格局产生重大影响。 目前,很多领域的主要能源转换和存储设备都是锂离子电池,但锂离子电池能量密度低,制造成本较高,且电池废弃会造...

WASHINGTON (trainee reporter Ding Ningning correspondent Feng Chun) Chinese Academy of Sciences Shenzhen Institute of Advanced Technology Tangyong Bing team developed a new battery technology, recently published in the "Advanced Energy Materials." If the technology to achieve industrialization, it will have a significant impact on the pattern of existing lithium industry. Currently, the main energy conversion and storage devices in many areas are lithium-ion batteries, but lithium-ion batteries low energy density, higher manufacturing costs, and the battery will be made obsolete ...