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她曾带病北上最终成名师夫人 揭梦鸽成名史(图)

She was sick North finally become a teacher Mrs. exposing mengge about history (Figure)

2015-09-19 16:30:39来源: 华商网

← 点击大图左右可翻页 → 9月18日晚,49岁梦鸽随总政歌舞团亮相深圳献唱音乐会《血肉筑长城》,身着抗日装的梦鸽略显娇小,演唱激情澎湃,演出完后观众报以热烈的掌声。

.. a click to enlarge can flip, on the evening of September 18, 49 year old mengge with song and dance troupe debut in Shenzhen sing at the concert "the flesh and blood to build the Great Wall", dressed in Anti Japanese installed mengge slightly Petite fame, singing passion, after performing audience responded with warm applause.