新关注 > 信息聚合 > 南书房夜话:深圳人的文化家园


In the southern study of Shenzhen's cultural homeland

2016-03-02 07:13:18来源: 大河网

在莲花山畔的深圳图书馆东南角,有一个百来平方米的地方,常常在周末夜幕降临时座无虚席,通明的灯火与求知若渴的目光相映生辉;虽然地处闹市,却让人在书香盈室中获得了沉静。这里,就是南书房。 让学术走出象...

In the lotus hill on the banks of the Shenzhen Library southeast corner, a 100 square meters of place, often in the weekend evening packed, lit the lights and avid eyes Xiangying Shenghui; although in downtown, but people in the scholarly fills the room was quiet. Here is the South study. Let the academic out of the image...